Three “off-meta” personal finance tipsPersonal finance and career/business goes hand in hand in securing your future. Instead of going all in onto one of them and disregard the…Oct 24, 2021Oct 24, 2021
Spitting Truth on Job SeekingJobseeking is an activity that many people deem as challenging. There are many factors at play, where it is safe to say that everyone’s…Aug 3, 2021Aug 3, 2021
Tales from the TrenchEver since the ending of my 2nd semester I’ve always been wanting to do an internship in summer holiday. This summer I got the chance to…Aug 31, 2019Aug 31, 2019
I am DotA 2Well, I have been contemplating whether pouring thousands of hours in DotA 2 was worth it or not for the whole semester. Honestly, it is…Jun 14, 2017Jun 14, 2017